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The Audiology Interview Sessions: Mark Truong - The Audiology Podcaster

Paul Harrison Hearing Aid UK Founder & Audiologist
Written By:
Paul Harrison

Audiology Expert

Updated and medically reviewed: 20th January 2022
The Audiology Interview Sessions: Mark Truong - The Audiology Podcaster

The Audiology Interview Sessions

Mark Truong - The Audiology Podcaster

|  August 2021 Update:  Mark is still living in Australia and is now a Clinical Audiologist at "Ear and Hearing Australia".


"Mark Truong, the owner and host of "The Hear Me Out Podcast", talks to Hearing Aid UK about his passion for audiology and being the voice behind a brand that creates awareness to both professionals and the public"

Kimberley  Bradshaw - Hearing Aid UK


Was there a pivotal moment in your life that jump-started your passion for audiology?


I don't think I've really had a pivotal moment, which jump-started my passion for audiology. I've always had a passion for business and being able to create, start-up and successfully launch my podcast, the Hear Me Out podcasts has fuelled that fire. 


What was the drive that started your ‘The Hear Me Out’ podcast?  How has it inspired you?


Being able to speak, day in and day out with industry leaders, business owners and people like yourselves, has truly, well the passion had definitely rubbed off of me. Additionally being able to constantly get updated on the most current data, research and gain industry insights from industry leaders, has truly been a real inspiration.


You are currently studying audiology in Melbourne, Australia - Has your studies and podcast series changed your perceptions as an individual?


I've recently had tinnitus for about four to five months now, and that's been the most impactful event of this year. Being able to truly empathise with future clients and patients and being able to experience a facet of what it means to have a chronic disease has truly been life-changing. 

Without the support of friends and family around me, it would have been incredibly hard to deal with. It truly gave me true empathy for others with chronic conditions. Not only those with tinnitus or significant to profound hearing loss.


What has been the highlight of your audiology journey to date?  A time when you've felt the proudest?


I guess it's been a true blessing and honour to be able to speak with all these industry leaders and business owners and truly being able to find out their why has been amazing. It has been a true blessing that God has opened up doors for me to engage with all these very busy people.

Being able to hear the true passion for what they do and why they do it spurs me on each and every day. I hope I’m able to take their passion in my podcasts and inspire the next generation of audiologists. 

I wouldn't say that I have a debilitating hearing loss or one which affects me significantly, but if there's something I'd really want to impart on those with hearing loss or tinnitus it is, to seek out help as soon as possible because regaining your quality of life and engaging with your loved ones is so important.

The life that seems lost can be regained and a hearing loss isn’t the end of the road. Hearing aids, communication training and help from Audiologists help change lives.


For all those budding audiologists out there, what would be your advice?


To any audiologists out there, I suggest, if you're really interested in the field, keep digging into it. You will find what you're passionate about. The field is so big and there are so many opportunities just keep looking and there'll be a space for you to find where you fit and what you really love.


If you were to advise those with hearing loss, like yourself, what would your advice be?


Without really talking to others or seeking intervention you can truly begin to suffer in a world of your own. If there's any piece of advice I would give for people with any chronic conditions especially hearing loss or tinnitus, it would be to seek out help from your friends or family as well as professional help.

Quality of life changes when you get on top of it. It can truly be an isolating disease or condition and without true help from outside of yourself, it can be truly debilitating.


How have you found the world of audiology so far?  What excites you most about the future of the industry?


The world of audiology has been really interesting so far. Initially, I thought it was a real niche and small industry but the more and more I talk with the more leaders in the industry, industry heads the more I find out that it's actually a really diverse industry with tons of moving parts and that's what I really love about it.

That I'm not only restricted to working in a clinic or hospital that I'm also able to branch out into corporate life or start a business or even go into research. That’s what really excites me.

Additionally, just the vast amount of technology and innovations happening each and every day is really amazing to see and I’m constantly looking out for how the industry evolves and changes day to day.

Even over the past five to ten years, the audiology industry has evolved and changed immensely and I just can't wait to see what happens in the next few years. The immense amount of potential this industry has to change millions of lives is just astounding!



Mark Truong - Owner & host of 'The Hear Me Out' Podcast



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Interviewed by Kimberley Bradshaw

Meet Kimberley Bradshaw , Head of Customer Content Experience

She has collaborated and written about hearing healthcare for several online publications.  By working closely with Hearing Aid UK audiologists, and experts, Kimberley develops the online content, so that the customer's experience is the best it can be. 

Kimberley's medical representation has allowed her to focus on the importance of hearing healthcare and explore the many ways in which hearing loss and its awareness can be improved.

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