This company is a small company founded by German, Horst Peter Huhne, in 1977. They were in fact the first hearing aid manufacturer to create custom-made designs. They also started off being famous for creating premium In-the-Ear (ITE) digital hearing aid devices that were both reliable and provided quality sound.
This company has grown quite quickly over the last few years and is available in over forty-five countries - exclusive to independent audiologists. They are part of the WS audiology company - which manufacturers both Signia and Widex. Giving its consumers world-leading technology, innovation and a full profile of hearing aid styles.
The G4 platform has now been superseded. The other platforms include: G6 and G5 with hearing aid styles such as: Icon, Sina, Ida, Vega, Quix, Stiline, Mood, Duo, Sun, Rixx, P and HP.
Hearing Aid UK is proud to be Audioservice hearing aid provider. To find out more about the Audioservice hearing aids available in the UK, other brands or to ask us anything about hearing healthcare - call us free on 0800 567 7621
Alternatively, you can view the Audioservice hearing aids price list at the start of the page or click on the button below to see all our hearing aid prices
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Do not spend hundreds of pounds without getting a second opinion from us.
When we refer to a product as 'Latest Launch', we mean it is the latest to be released on the market.
When we refer to a product as 'New', we mean that the product is the newest hearing aid model on the market.
When we refer to a product as 'Superseded', we mean that there is a newer range available which replaces and improves on this product.
When we refer to a product as an 'Older Model', we mean that it is has been superseded by at least two more recent hearing aid ranges.